
Student Spotlight: Jimmy Weng

Jimmy Weng, Bravo Medical Magnet High School, 12th Grade

I am currently in my second year with Youth Champions and within these two short years I’ve come to see how much I’ve grown through the program. For my first-ever internship experience, I was lucky to have Youth Champions to reach out to. By showcasing my interest and enthusiasm to the program coordinators, I was able to secure an internship at Lee & Associates working under the direction of Jack Cline. At my internship, I received mentorship as a data analyst, creating financial models for multimillion dollar properties and got a view of different job opportunities in the real estate industry. Through this experience, I was able to understand where I wanted to pursue my passion and I was able to work in an environment where everyone was so kind and diverse. The program has provided me with more experiences and also helped me to step out of my comfort zone and step into a field I had interest in.

Upon first joining Youth Champions, I was truly introverted and the thought of socializing gave me anxiety ‒ so much so that I never attended any “Go and See” days during my first year. Once I stepped out of my comfort zone and started attending the trips, I found that they were great opportunities to meet new individuals and have fun. Seeing me now, you would never think that I used to be a socially awkward guy but it’s all because Youth Champions wants us, the students, to achieve better for ourselves. This new mindset will follow me into college and my future goals and is something that I will never forget and truly be grateful towards.