We rely on the generosity of individuals, organizations and businesses to fuel our mission. Your donations enable us to continue providing essential educational opportunities to underserved youth, opening doors to a world of possibilities.

Please review our donation + sponsorship options, or scroll down to see a quick overview of our impact during the last school year!

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Please make checks payable to Youth Champions, Inc. and mail to:

Youth Champions, Inc.
1201 N. Main St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

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2022–2023 School Year Impact

The 2022-23 school year was an exciting year of growth and change with Youth Champions’ transition into a paid educational internship model. One goal from the previous academic year was to increase the number of students taking part in the program and to increase student retention.

Due to the program’s new recruitment efforts, Youth Champions successfully reached a record number of nearly 400 students enrolled this past year. The program was also opened to students outside of Youth Champions participating schools and utilized platforms like LinkedIn to recruit students.

To earn the educational stipend, students had to meet their participation hours through attendance at workshop sessions, Go and See educational days, and engagement with three assigned class reading materials. More than 250 students received stipends up to $1,000 each; totaling nearly $200,000 in stipends given by the program this past year.


Youth Champions focuses on helping youth develop important life skills such as critical thinking, professional networking, the basics of finance, and a positive personal outlook not often focused on in school settings. Since inception, we have reached more than 1,000 students! The program aims to continuously offer opportunities that will help students discover their leadership potential through mentorship and learning experiences such as exposure to a variety of universities, trade schools, and careers.


178% increase in student retention since the Educational Internship and stipend program was launched in 2022


We've partnered with 60 high schools


5 Summer Book Club sessions completed with 4 books read


We went on 6 field trips during this school year


91% of YC graduates are pursuing higher education


$178,600 distributed in students stipends in 2022-23


258 students received full or partial scholarships in 2022–23


Our class read 3 books during the 2022-23 school year

Donor Recognitions

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our biggest champions whose unwavering support has made a lasting impact, transforming the lives of underserved youth through education.

Vera R. Campbell Foundation
Jack & Cambria Cline
Sheila, Dave & Sherry Gold Foundation
Lifetime Flooring, Asante Bayrooti
Supo Family Foundation
Maureen and Mike Mekjian
Bob Smiland
Pam & Steve Hirsh
Steven Freed
Mark Borman
VIDA Private Wealth